The Governing Body

As a Governing body we feel that it is very important to keep you in the picture about our work. We are also very keen to involve parents on the Governing Body. This could be you, please contact us if you are interested.


1) To Provide a Strategic View
The Governing Body has important powers and duties, but limited time and resources. So it has to focus on where it can add most value - that is, in helping to decide the school’s strategy for improvement so that its pupils learn most effectively and achieve the highest standards.

2) To Act as a Critical Friend

A critical friend offers support, constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas, a second opinion on proposals and help where needed. But a critical friend may also challenge, ask questions, seek information, improve proposals and so seek to arrive at the best solution.

3) To Ensure Accountability

The Headteacher and professional staff are accountable to the Governing Body for the school’s performance and it must be prepared to explain its decisions and actions to anyone who has a legitimate interest. This may include staff, pupils, parents and the press, as well as the Local Authority, or the Secretary of State.

Our aim at all times is to work together in partnership to develop key policies and to take the right decisions in the best interests of the children and in keeping with the ethos of the school

Communication is absolutely central to our work and we are anxious to be as accessible as possible, so please do make use of us and keep in touch.

School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They act together and not as individuals. The Governors are appointed to help decide what is to be taught, monitor standards of achievement and behaviour, interview and select staff and decide how the budget is to be spent effectively.

All Governors are involved in curriculum matters with individual Governors designated as having an interest in certain areas especially those identified as priorities in the School Improvement Plan.

Currently we have an Interim Executive Board of Governors
The Governors
Name Notes
 Ann Denner  Chair
 Margaret Turgoose  Vice Chair
 Clare Crowle  
 Sue Nield

 Safeguarding Governor

 Deborah Eveleigh


 The Clerk to Governors is Bec Davey. Any correspondence for the Chair can be sent via email on Or by post to the school address. The clerk will forward messages to other members of the governing body as appropriate or ask the Chair of Governors to contact you.
Jubilee with Pebblebed Federation – GOVERNING BODY 2022
Information regarding the current governing body is included in the documents below.