
Autumn 2020 Curriculum Intent Statement
Here is an important letter explaining the arrangements for returning to school in September. There is also an important Permissions' Form that all children will need to return in the first week back. A paper copy will be sent home in the first week too.
Class 1 Home Learning Wk Beg 13/7/20 and 20/7/20
Class 2 Home Learning Week Beg 13/7/20 and 20/7/20
Butterfly Excitement!

Today Ladybirds' Bubble came in to find a note from Andy the caretaker.  Our chrysalis had finally hatched and we had a Cabbage White butterfly!   We released the butterfly into the garden and it flew straight into a tree. 

We gathered up some tiny flowers, leaves and stones to decorate our own butterflies and then we used the outline to frame things outside of the classroom and make our own pictures.   Can you see Jacob's ‘tree butterfly? 

We learnt about symmetry and made our own symmetrical butterflies using paint and paper folded in half. 

Finally, we decorated some paper butterflies using all sorts of bits and pieces.  We tried hard to keep them symmetrical. 

Have a look at the photos from our learning journey today.

Class 1 Home Learning Wks Beg 29/6/20 and 6/7/20
Class 2 Home Learning Wks Beg 29/6/20 and 6/7/20
It was super to welcome back more pupils to  Broadhembury last week. The pupils and staff have adjusted to their new learning environment and new routines brilliantly - thank you for all your hard work with this. The school is now split into two bubbles - Ladybirds and Owls and some of their learning from last week is described below and shown in the attached photos. 
Well done to you all,
This week's home learning is under the photos.
from Mrs Gray 
The Ladybirds have had a great start back to school with lots of great learning going on. The children and staff talked together about Coronavirus and discussed how to work safely in our school bubbles to become Coronavirus Superheroes - maintaining social distance, washing their hands and not bursting each other's bubble.  The children learnt what a 'symptom' is and are very good at checking in each day to make sure that no one is showing any!
Ladybirds have had a really busy week learning to be Coronavirus superheroes within their bubble.  They have learnt what 2 metres looks like and have practiced walking into school and around school safely.  They have learnt how to stay safe and have learnt a brilliant song to help them to remember to wash their hands. 
We arrived on Monday to find that our cabbages had been infested with caterpillars!  The children were very excited and wanted to  study and draw them.  The staff helped the children to create a butterfly enclosure in the classroom to observe part of the butterfly life cycle.  On Friday morning, the children were very excited to see that 2 of the caterpillars have begun to pupate.  Watch this space. 
Ladybirds have also been talking about friendship and love and thinking about what makes a good friend. 
Well done on a great start Ladybirds! 
The Owls have had a wonderful week back at school. It was great to see their grinning faces waiting to come into school in a socially distanced queue!
They have spent lots of time outside playing games and running around on the field. We have read a story about Coronavirus and had a long chat about the situation we find ourselves in. Over the week, as well as a version of the home learning activities, we have talked about love, belonging and friendship. The children have made a self-care box and written their own inspirational quotes to keep them going! 
At the end of the week, the Owls reflected on returning to school. They all decided they were happy to be back and share time with their friends and teachers - even if it is at a two metre distance! 
Home Learning for Class 1 for Wk Beg 15/6/20 and 22/6/20
Home Learning for Class 2 Wk Beg 15/6/20 and Wk Beg 22/6/20
An important letter about Phased Re-opening
Home Learning for Class 1 Wk Beg 1/6/20 and 8/6/20
Home Learning for Class 2 Wk Beg 1/6/20 and 8/6/20
Important Information Letters About the Phased Reopening of Schools
Thy Kingdom Come
Please have a look at the ideas below and in the separate resources so that we still engage with Thy Kingdom Come this year even if we can't do it together in school. Please send photos into the admin email address of any of the activities you do linked to this so that we can make a special book which I will share with The Diocese.
Thy Kingdom Come is a Christian prayer initiative that happens every year between Ascension and Pentecost. In this time Jesus’ followers had: encountered him as a resurrected person, witnessed him ascending into heaven, had hidden and prayed with him in the upper room, and then had a transformative supernatural with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost which is often called the birthday of the Church.

This year Thy Kingdom Come will run between 21-31st May 2020.

Please find attached some resources to help children learn about this important part of the Christian story and will encourage them to reflect on some big ideas.

Here is the web link for the resource

This is also a link  to the Thy Kingdom Come website that has some podcasts for families to listen and respond to together.

The Family Prayer Adventure podcasts are a fun and engaging way to help families pray together. There is one following each daily theme of Thy Kingdom Come, and they are about 10-12 minutes long. They feature a game, an interactive Bible story (written and performed by folks like Bob Hartman), a chance to pray and great music.

Prayer spaces in schools have also created some ideas for families to create Prayer Spaces at home. The ideas are really simple and I was thinking that we could invite families to send in photos of the prayer spaces that they have created.

Class 1 Home Learning for Week Beginning 11th May and 18th May
Class 2 Home Learning for Week Beginning 11th May and for Week Beginning 18th May
An update from Mrs Symonds for Week beginning 4th May
Note for KS2 pupils from Miss Watts regarding Maths Learning
From week beginning 4th May - printed worksheets will be available outside school for KS2 if children have already done the practice book page specified in your timetable.
More ideas to support your Mental Health are included in this week's Mental Health Ideas' Sheet. 
Some ideas are repeated from last week and some are new. Mrs Gray loves the idea of sending a hug in the post -it looks great fun!
A super on-line book to read...

The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown

A special message from Staff!
Here are some more ideas to help you to look after your mental health during this unusual time. 
These ideas are based on the '10 a Day' which the children will be familiar with. Please don't feel you have to do them all but focus on the areas that your family are struggling with.
Do you like our new Mental Health logo?
KS1 Learning for Weeks 3 and 4 of the Summer Term (27/4/20 - 7/5/20)
KS1 Theme Work 
KS2 Learning for Weeks 3 and 4 of the Summer Term (27/4/20 - 7/5/20)
Here are some more ideas to help you to look after your mental health during this unusual time. 
These ideas are based on the '10 a Day' which the children will be familiar with. Please don't feel you have to do them all but focus on the areas that your family are struggling with.
Curriculum Intent Statement for during the Covid Pandemic
KS1 Home Learning for first Two Weeks of Summer Term
(Please continue to look lower down this page for extra ideas)
KS2 Home Learning for first Two Weeks of Summer Term
(Please continue to look lower down this page for extra ideas)
These links will provide introduction/lessons for the children before completing the practice book pages, as I know they can be tricky just going straight in without any teaching!
The first video they will need for Friday 17th's maths lesson is Week 2 Lesson 5 'Dividing by 100' (they can use this one for Monday 20th too). The lessons will then go on to match the power maths pages I have asked you to do already!
I hope they help!
The first video they will need for Friday 17th's maths lesson is Week 2 Lesson 1 'Rounding Decimals'. The lessons will then go on to match the power maths pages I have asked you to do already!

At the bottom of the page from the link above you will see a link to an online version of your 6B POWER MATHS TEXTBOOK. The corresponding textbook page to practice book page should help you if you get stuck on what to do.
From the Monday 11th May you will start money in maths in your 3B practice book and you will be able to access your 3B POWER MATHS TEXTBOOK online to help you.
For the moment, during maths and capacity learning, carry on doing your best in your practice books.
Well done and keep going!
Miss Watts 
Time Capsule Activity
This is a lovely activity for children to create a Time Capsule of their memories from this strange period of their own history. Something they can keep and look back on in years to come.
Story time with Mrs Snell
Mrs Snell from Farway has recorded a story for children to enjoy.
This letter requires parents of children with an EHCP or have social worker involvement, or if parents think they may be in key worker groups, to respond by March 20th at 12 noon to indicate need for school provision during the School Closure period.