Dartmoor Zoo and Monkey World Visit

Dartmoor Zoo and Monkey World Visit
Class 2 enjoyed an exciting trip in the Spring term to link with their South American topic. The children were visited by both Monkey World and Dartmoor Zoo who brought along some fascinating friends! 
To begin, they went on a virtual trip to the Amazon Rainforest where they learnt about endangered monkeys ​and used fact files and classification keys to determine which monkeys they had discovered. They also found out about the conservation work that Monkey World does and the effects of deforestation on monkey and ape habitats. The visiting outreach worker particularly commented on the children's knowledge, questions and confidence and said they were a credit to their school! After some sketching of rainforest animals, the children attended a 'Close Encounters' session with Dartmoor Zoo. They had the chance to observe and handle Phylliidae, Orange Headed cockroaches, Dylan - the Crested gecko and a python! The children asked great questions and impressed the expert with their knowledge.